Permata PKPS’21|May – Aidilfitri Permata PKPS
Permata PKPS Eid-Al-Fitr Raya Video Click Here to WATCH our May Playlist Click Here to Watch our Aidilfitri TikTok 2020 This Aidilfitri, Permata PKPS would…
Permata PKPS’21|April-Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak Permata PKPS Talk About Ramadan | RM1 to Heaven The Islamic holy month of Ramadan is a time for Muslims all over the…
Permata PKPS’21|March- Courtesy Campaign
Permata PKPS Courtesy Campaign 2021 Alhamdulillah | Thank you | Sorry | Please | Excuse Me Assalamualaikum to everyone! Our Permata PKPS Courtesy Week Campaign…
Permata PKPS’21|March-Isra’ and Mi’raj
The Night Journey Isra’ and Mi’raj The Importance of Solat Presenter: Ustaz Helmi, Ustazah Fatimah and Teacher Fiqa Isra’ and Mi’raj is an event that…
Permata PKPS’21|February- Virtual Parents Teachers Sharing Day
Virtual Parents-Teachers Sharing Day 2021 Assalamualaikum to all beloved parents Alhamdulillah, the responses in Zoom were phenomenal. Thank you so much to everyone especially to…
Permata PKPS’21|February- Culture of Malaysia Chinese New Year
Culture of Malaysia-Chinese New Year Festivity The objective of our “CULTURE OF MALAYSIA” program is to expose the children to the diversity of races and…