Ramadhan Al-Mubarak Permata PKPS

Talk About Ramadan | RM1 to Heaven

The Islamic holy month of Ramadan is a time for Muslims all over the world to renew their focus on spiritual life and its practical application in daily life. This year at Permata PKPS, we made the month of Ramadhan a special month for both our students and staff by incorporating special programs to teach them the importance of this holy month.

The activities and programs include:
1. Talk About Ramadhan
2. Gemersik Kids Performance
3. RM1 to Heaven Campaign
4. Warna-Warni Sadaqah
5. Ramadhan Daily Quotes
6. Ramadhan iftar at Permata PKPS

Taska-RM1 to Heaven Campaign
Tadika 6 year olds
Tadika 5 year olds

Talk About Ramadhan ⬆⬆⬆

Watch our Warna Warni Saqadah Event FB LIVE HERE (Click Facebook) ⬇

Click here⬆

Watch how our students and teachers work together to make a delicious Nasi Hujan Panas and Ayam Kurma for our iftar!🤤🤤 In our Warna-Warni Ramadhan Sadaqah Program. Delish!😜

Ramadhan Daily Quotes

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